
Dermal filler

What are they used for?+

  1. Smoothing lines and wrinkles. For example as we age more lines appear around the mouth and skilfully applied filler can add the volume back to the skin smoothing these out.
  2. Replacing volume loss that occurs with ageing. Volume is lost from various places on the face as we age and an individual assessment is necessary to ascertain where the dermal filler should be given to get the most natural result. E.g. naso-labial folds (cheek folds), tear trough area, cheeks etc.
  3. Enhancing/defining lips.
  4. Contouring.

Does it hurt & how long does it take?+

A numbing cream is applied to the area to be treated and most individuals only feel a mild discomfort during the injection of dermal filler. The lips are more vascular so this area can be more sensitive to discomfort during treatment.

Treatment is done within a few minutes.

How do they work?+

The skin is made up of an upper layer called the epidermis and a layer below it called the dermis. Beneath this is the fatty tissue.

Dermal fillers are injected into the dermis of the skin and add volume.

They are made of hyaluronic acid (HA), which is naturally found in the dermis. The HA binds water and creates volume.

When will I see results & how long do they last?+

The results are instant and typically the results last a minimum of 3 months. Subsequent dermal filler treatment to the same area may last much longer, potentially up to 9 months.

Newer, more advanced dermal fillers are also available, which last much longer, the results averaging 12-18 months.

Once treatment is started does one have to commit to ongoing treatment?+


The treatment is not permanent so once you decide to stop having dermal filler injections the added volume will gradually disappear returning your skin to its previous condition. There are no implications on how it will age in the future.

The treatment has simply bought you more time of a youthful look.

Are there any risks?+

  1. Common side effects include mild discomfort & bleeding at the injection site. Swelling, redness & bruising at the treatment area; all of which are temporary.
  2. The more uncommon side effects include: discolouration, indurations, nodules, abscess formation and necrosis at the injection sites. Seeing an experienced practitioner minimises the risk of uncommon side effects.

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